Cell 325-650-6867 jfm8910@yahoo.com



Mid-West Land And Livestock is a Texas real estate company assisting clients with buying and selling of farm and ranch property.Johnny Mayo is well versed in the Farming and Ranching industry and has spent his entire lifetime as rancher and has been a good steward of the land.When buying or selling farm and ranch land; he can provide the best information available to assist you with buying or selling needs.

If you are interested in purchasing property, please feel free to browse through the listings to find a property that best suits you. If there is not a property that fits your requirements, please let us know and Mid-West Land And Livestock will work hard to find one that does. If you need to sell a property, Mid-West Land And Livestock will work hard to market it for you.

In addition to assisting you with your buying and selling of farm and ranch properties, Mid-West Land And Livestock provides the following services:

• Buying, selling, of all types of livestock. Such as stocker cattle, show quality cattle, as well as show quality sheep and goats.
• Mid-West Land And Livestock can also assist with your herd enhancement programs necessary to build a quality herd making your investment more successful.
• Mid-West Land And Livestock also provides ranch management for your property as well as managing your ranch and giving you the freedom from the day to day operation.
• Mid-West Land And Livestock can also assist with your wild life management programs.

For further information, Please Call:

Mid -West Land And Livestock
Johnny Mayo
Cell 325-650-6867
E-Mail fm8910@yahoo.com

Tom Carpenter, BrokerTexas Broker Lic. 147601